VNF and the signatories of the shared management protocol for the Sambre axis signed in 2015 have confirmed the reopening of the Sambre-Oise canal in the summer of 2021. Begun at the end of 2019, the rehabilitation works carried out by VNF are advancing at a good pace despite the health crisis, and must be completed in June 2021 to allow the reopening of the canal and boost the tourist potential of this river route. In fact, in view of the reopening of the Sambre axis, VNF has initiated a vast investment program since the end of 2019 which includes the renovation of 25 locks, from that of Gard to that of Origny-Sainte-Benoite, the reconstruction of the Vadencourt and Macquigny canal bridges, and the dredging of the navigation channel to ensure an anchorage of 1.60 m for the passage of pleasure boats. The overall cost of the work amounts to € 23.5 million, including € 17.5 million co-financed by the State / VNF, the Hauts-de-France Region and the Department of Aisne. In 2020, 15 locks were renovated between Etreux and Tupigny. The work focused on renovating the civil engineering of the lock chambers and changing the gates. The canal was also dredged between the Origny-Sainte-Benoite lock and the Macquigny canal bridge, as well as on the Landrecies reach, i.e. a total volume of sediment extracted in the order of 17,000 m3 was evacuated to recovery channels. The reconstruction of the two canal bridges started in May 2020 with the demolition of the existing bridges. In November, the new arches of the Vadencourt bridge were laid, and the metal beam structure of the Macquigny bridge was assembled. In 2021, it is planned to continue dredging operations (38,000 m3 of sediment to be extracted), to replace the gates of 6 locks and to upgrade the electrical, hydraulic equipment and the automation of several locks between Hannapes and Origny- Sainte-Benoite. Work on the 2 canal bridges will continue for commissioning in June 2021, with finishing work scheduled until September. Finally, the uprooting of the hydrocotyl plant, present in the Sambre basin in Nord-Pas-de-Calais, will continue in 2021 (30,000 m2 uprooted in 2020) before the reopening of the Sambre axis.